Friday, June 17, 2011

Artist Spotlight: Jim Goldberg

This probably wont be a new name to a lot of readers, but for those of you lucky enough to experience Jim Goldberg for the first time, it was worth a blog post. Jim is one of the few photographers that has almost moved me to tears in an exhibit. Each one of his pictures is a movie, and its usually one sad fuckin movie (or beautiful, depending how you want to frame it). His technique of having the subjects write personal notes on his work just forwards his one of a kind ability to get right to the soul of whomever might be on the other side of his lens. Their are so many people that are "street photographers" today, its always refreshing to view work in that category that feels authentic as well as innovative. I had the pleasure of viewing a few pieces which were new to me at pier 24 this week, and they were absolutely amazing. So explore this man further, and your in the bay area, check out HERE. at pier 24, its a great show.
Make an appointment here.

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