You, like I, are probably most familiar with Weegee's raw, unaltered crime scene photography. In his later years though, he started implementing strange photography techniques, some of which he used on portraits he took of friends (dali, picasso), and Nixon. I personally love the Picasso image, because i feel it captures his public personality perfectly.
Wacko Maria is one of my favorite brands of which i own nothing. Thats because their shit is expensive as fuck, and nothing good is ever left by sale time. Anywaayyyyy, their prints and embroidery details have always been what sets them apart for me, and this season is no exception, as they come out blazing with some of the best graphic prints ive seen in a long minute. Check em up and potentially part with your hard earned cash. here.
If you've ever seen an episode of cribs, or gone to a 12 o clock movie on Halloween, chances are youve come in contact with Brian De Palma. He is one of the most famous directors of the century, due to the the films of which i was referring, Scarface and Carrie, as well as other masterpieces like The Untouchables and Carlitos Way. I have watched the large majority of his films, and i have found that some of his most underrated films are easily my favorites.
1. Hi! Mom (1970). This film ive mentioned on the blog before, and i have to reiterate the fact that you must see this film. He literally ripped up the foundations of film when he made this.
2. Dressed to Kill (1980). Not only is this a very entertaining film, filled with De Palmas signature camera stylings, its also a great representation of its time. Due to Law and Order we are totally jaded on outlandishly bizarre psycho sexual murder mysteries, but back in 1980, the mental state of a transgender was widely misunderstood. He aimed for this film not only to entertain, but to also allow the common man in 1980 to enter the mind of a transgender. Also, in a day and age of lightning fast editing, this film makes you remember why drawn out shots are massively more effective; the last scene is brutal.
3. Blow Out (1981). Another theme De Palma often explores is surveillance, and this movie centers around that topic. Its a great, exciting, mystery with an explosive ending and massive political undertones.
There is literally no information on this artist. Tony Matelli could be the pseudonym of an ethiopain goat herder and i would have no idea. It doesnt really matter though, because i have seen alot of his work, and it is amazing. Its not mind blowing from a conceptual point of view, but their is no doubting the visual power of his work. The messages might be slightly obvious, but they are universal, and executed to absolute perfection.
I recently picked up both the white and black versions of this shoe, and they both have entered my top 5. The materials are not only beautiful but have a great feel, they have great added stitching and an extended sole (much like visvim kiefers), as well as other small details. They are a sneaker but also have a sophisticated and classic look. I highly recommend picking some up while you still can. Wait until you see the black joints with the included black laces. ridiculous.
Im one a very small group of people who have actually been lucky enough to see all 8 hours of Matthew Barneys' Cremaster series. Well it seems a kindrid spirit has actually taken the time to recreate the first 2 parts on the video game little big world. I must applaud the work and dedication it must have taken to make this happen. The second part is particularly good.
You and i both are probably a bit tired of growing up in the hood movies. Still to this day, when anyone puts on a movie for a bunch of people, its always boyz n da hood, menace 2 society, kids, etc, to prove that they are real or some shit. All great movies, but we get it, so if you must go that route, stray a bit from the beaten path and screen la haine. This is one of my favorite movie. Not only is it real as fuck, its also a creative and beautiful look at morality and the overall strangeness of life.
2. Sonatine, Dir: Takeshi Kitano
This is a very interesting take on the classic gangster film. Takeshi Kitano gives one of his classic deadpan performances which drives this very original interpretation of an age old genre. This movie also contains a few scenes that are so sure to bring a smile to your face, that if they do not, i fear seriously for your well being.
3. A Zed and Two Noughts, Dir: Peter Greenaway
One of the most visually moving films ever made. Every shot in this film is jaw dropping in its own strange way. If you plan on watching the film dont view the full video i posted, but it will give you an idea of how amazing it is.